Select symptom A & E Vitamin Deficiencies Aches, Soreness Acid Reflux Acne Allergies (foods, dairy, wheat, gluten) Amino Acids Deficiency (sulfur based) Anemia Anger, Mental Balance Arrhythmia Arteries (blocked/clogged) Arthritis Asthma B12 Low Back Issues (sore, numb, pinched nerves) Bleeding Issues (Circulatory System) Bone Issues (soreness, density) Bowel Problems (IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Bloating) Bruising (easily and/or porous) Bursitis Candida Cellulite Cervical Issues (Reproductive System) Chemicals, Toxins Chromium Deficiencies, Minerals Colon Issues (jammed with impacted pockets) Common Cold Congestion Constipation Cysts Depression, Mental Balance Diarrhea at Periodic Intervals Drugs (detox from prescription or street) Dust Allergies Ear Infection Eczema Edema Endometriosis Enzymes Deficiencies (protease, lipase, amylase) Epstein-Barr Exercising (not enough, not sweating) Eyes (weep, blur, sting, dry) Fatigue Fibromyalgia Fibrosis Flu Folic Acid (low or not absorbed) Forgetfulness, Mental Balance Free Radicals and Toxins (degenerative indications) Fungus Gall Stones Gluten (allergies) Gout Grief, Mental Balance Heartburn High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Hormone Imbalance Hypoglycemic Hysterectomy Issues Immune System (inactive, deficient) Inflammation (irritation) Inhalant (allergies) Iron deficiency Irritable Bowel Itching of Skin Kidney Stones, Toxins Lack of Sleep Liver Stress (ducts plugged, detox needed) Losing Muscle (mass, strength) Low Energy Lupus (Effects of) Lymph Nodes (congested, need drainage and/or massage) Magnesium (Low, Minerals) Manganese (Low, Minerals) Mental Stress, Mental Balance Mold (allergies) Mood Disorders, Mental Balance Muddled Thinking, Mental Balance Muscle (loss, deterioration) Nasal Infection Neck (sore, numb, pinched nerve) Numbness (in legs, rubbery, muscle) Ovarian Issues Pain (soreness of muscle or joint) Pancreas (Stressed) Parasites Perfume Allergies Pet Allergies pH Low Acid Profile Physically Strained PMS (before and after cycle) Pollen (allergies) Poly Cystic Fibrosis Poor Circulation (cold feet/hands, numbness) Prescription Drug Detox Prostate Problems (enlarge or inflamed) Psoriasis Rash on Skin Rectal Hemorrhoids Rumbles Scar Tissue Selenium (low, minerals) Shoulder (sore, nub, pinched nerve) Sinus (flu, plugged, infection) Slowed Reactions, Mental Balance Sore Joints Sore Throat Soreness (in general) Spotting (skin) Stomach Problems, Digestive Issues Stress, Mental Balance Sugar Intolerance Sulfur Burps Thyroid, Hypo- or Hyper- Toxins, Smog, Chemicals, Cigarettes, etc. Ulcers Ulcers (due to pH low acid profile) Uric Acid Crystals Uterine Issues Vaginal Issues Viruses Vitamin C (low) Water Retention Weight (loss, can't gain) Wheat (allergies) White Spots (on skin) Worrisome, Mental Balance Yeast Problems (infections) Zinc low, Minerals