Learn more about Adam- Natural Bodybuilder, Competitor and XR Nutrition Partner.
IG Handle: @adam.knudsen
“I was born and raised in Tallahassee, Florida. It was an interesting place with lots of types of people. Looking back, I’d say I didn’t really fit in to any one type. At a super young age I was involved with athletics. I literally took gymnastics classes starting at two years old. I stuck with it for a while and began to do it competitively around age six. I’ll be honest here and tell you I peaked at gymnastics when I was seven or eight and I won the gold medal for the Parallel Bars at the Florida State Championships. It’s probably not as impressive as it sounds. Wanting to have a more normal life and go to public school, I retired from my gymnastics career at age 12. Starting school in 7 th grade, I soon realized how my more developed musculature set me apart from the other kids my age. Perhaps that’s when the mental lightbulb clicked on for me.
I dabbled in several different sports in my teenage years. When I was 13 I picked up Kenpo Karate and kept at it for several years. I played city soccer for a few years. When I was a Freshman in High School I wrestled on the Varsity team. I was awful, but at least I lettered. I even tried cross country, but after a month of it I realized it was making me skinny and I didn’t stick with it. While I was trying these different things, I had gym memberships or did P90X and in an effort to keep building muscle. I was probably 16 when I got seriously into the sport of bodybuilding. I looked up to Arnold just like every other beginning bodybuilder did. I always thought that one day I would want to do a show, just one, as a bucket-list item.
It would be about seven years since that thought first crossed my mind before I would finally do it. For years there were insecurities and doubts that held me back, and then one day I told myself, “Whatever, I’m doing this for myself, and not to impress everyone else.” I knew this was something I would regret not doing. I chose a show, signed up, and locked myself in. being a first timer, I made lots of rookie mistakes, but I gave prep for that show everything I had. I pushed myself to my limits. For months I was dieting, and a lot of days I was hungry enough to crave some weird stuff. Like, I was watching Animal Planet, and while a majestic grizzly bear was shown running through a stream in slow motion, I would think to myself “boy, he looks tasty.” Sometimes I fantasized about the mud-pies we made as kids underneath the backyard trampoline. Against all odds, and looking like a ghoul, I made it to the end of prep. Upon completing my last cardio session a few days before competition day, I felt oddly emotional. Maybe I just needed some carbs, but in that moment, I felt like I had just accomplished something special, and was very proud of myself. I put everything I had into those months of prep, and it’s not often that I have gotten to say “I gave everything” about something.
Show day was everything I thought it would be. I had a lot of fun, and the icing on the cake was placing in my physique class and getting a medal. It was amazing – the week or two after the competition I felt on top of the world, like nothing could bring me down, and I felt like I could do anything and be anyone. To anyone who is reading this, I 100% recommend doing something that scares you. You will grow and stretch to an improved and more confident human being.
To bring you up to date with my story, I am currently living in Utah Valley. I still train six times a week, and it’s still my biggest love. It’s just as exciting and fulfilling at 25 as it was when I was 16. I hope to one day compete again, but for now I’m giving myself some time to grow. Arnold is still numero uno. I don’t know where life will take me in the coming years, but I’ll keep doing what I love and expect everything to work out the way it needs to.
I first heard about XR Nutrition from a friend whose opinion I really respect. She introduced me to the science behind the products. After a few months of using the supplements, they became my favorite supplements that I’d ever used. As a drug-free bodybuilder, I look for the best products to help me naturally achieve my goals. Being unenhanced, I am aware that I won’t be able to compete with the best bodybuilders on stage, and so my goals have evolved to include overall health in addition to putting on mass. XR is my brand of choice because I believe it’s the best option for my goals.
I firmly believe that life is about becoming the best version of yourself. I feel that inside everyone is massive potential, and to realize that potential we all need to step outside of our comfort zones and take the paths that scare us. I think we need to learn to respect and believe in ourselves, and once we do, we can be whoever we want to be.
Another thing: life is hard, and it’s hard for everyone. The very least we can do for others, whether they are currently struggling or in a happy stretch, is be kind.”
-Adam Knudsen