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The Many Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds became popular in the 1970's in the United States when used in the novelty item, Chia Pets. We all remember the chia pet commercials. Chia pets were clay figures used like a flower pot to grow chia seeds into a plant. The plant resembled hair or fur. Fast forward to 2018. Today, chia seeds are considered "superfoods" and known for their health benefits- this is one of the reasons XR Nutrition includes whole, unaltered Chia Seeds in our Plant-based Protein. What are the health benefits of chia seeds? Before we discuss that we must first learn about what they are and the history behind this amazing food. Chia is a seed from the salvia hispanica plant which is native to Central America. We also get chia seeds from the plant salvia columariae of the Southwest United States and Mexico. The seeds are hydrophilic, which means they absorb water…
November 18, 2019
How To Have More Energy

How To Have More Energy

Beat the slump with these tips. 1 in 3 of us claims to feel permanently shattered, with the pace of modern life the biggest energy sapping culprit, according to Mintel research. Many of us turn to knocking back a coffee, but that will only mask the symptoms of tiredness. You’ll perk up temporarily because it stimulates the delivery of more oxygenated blood around the body, but when it wears off you may feel even worse. Try these tips instead. Drink more water Dehydration can induce fatigue and reduced focus and concentration because it lowers blood volume, which means your heart and lungs must work harder to pump the blood to your brain and other organs. At the first sign of tiredness, drink a glass of water, but you can also keep a bottle of water with you at all times and sip on it regularly. Set a timer on your…
November 11, 2019